Get started with AccessMedicine, a comprehensive online medical resource that provides users with access to e-books, multimedia, images and illustrations, case files, and more.
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Faculty can link to content in the AccessMedicine sites through their learning management system using the durable URLs found in the browser of all text and chapter content and multimedia. For a tutorial on how to link to content i via durable URLs, please visit the Access User Center at this link.
Case Files Basic Sciences Cases
Pathophysiology of Disease Cases
Sherris Medical Microbiology Cases
Case Files Clinical Medicine Cases
These videos may be shown as part of a flipped classroom approach in which students may view and then join together with a small group for further discussion, either in-person or online in a discussion board or virtual classroom. Subjects include: Anatomy, diagnostic reasoning, genetics, neurology, and pharmacology.
Detailed explanations of normal and abnormal heart sounds, along with audio clips of the sounds to teach students how to identify cardiac abnormalities on physical examination
Harrison’s Podclass are engaging discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes. Students may listen and then contribute to an online or in-person discussion of the key principles within the case.
AccessMedicine offers a variety of review questions and flashcards which enable students to test their knowledge of basic science and clinical medicine subject matter.
Harrison’s Pathophysiology Animations take complex pathophysiology concepts and make them easy to understand with high quality visual animations.
These interactive modules allow for visualization of the human body in an interactive, 3D format where both male and female anatomy modules can be viewed. Choose a module and then utilize the options on the left-side of the screen to learn more about human anatomy
Provides interactive and up-close views and explanations of different organ systems within the body
2 Minute Medicine journal article summaries can help facilitate an online or in-person journal club discussion of an important topic in clinical medicine.