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LibKey at Rowan Medical Libraries: LibKey Nomad

LibKey is a service from Rowan University Libraries that simplifies access to library-licensed and open access journal articles

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Chrome*, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari browsers.

Once LibKey Nomad is installed and configured you can go directly to PubMed and other databases and resources bypassing the libraries' website, start searching and have one-click access to Rowan Libraries' subscribed and open access journal content.  

When the full text PDF is available to you, you will see a LibKey Download PDF icon in the bottom left corner of the page.

If not, you will see a button labeled Access Options which will direct you to other options to either view the article through the publisher's or vendor's website or to request it through Interlibrary Loan.

Also, see below for information about a newly added feature to LibKey Nomad is a that helps identify problematic journals using information from Cabells Scholarly Publishing 

*Important Note* The Rowan University ISO has blocked access to the Chrome browser extension library on Rowan managed laptops and desktops of Rowan faculty and staff that have access to PHI. Those users will not be able to install LIbKey Nomad on Chrome.  A work-around is to install and use LibKey Nomad on a different browser.  

How do I get LibKey Nomad?

The LibKey Nomad extension is available for most major browsers*.  To install go the browser extension website of your preferred browser:

There are two easy steps: 1) Click the Add Extension button; 2) Select Rowan University from the institution list and sign in with your Rowan NetID. Cooper users should also select Rowan University as their institution and use their Cooper credentials 

When you have completed the installation your screen should look like this:


What will PubMed citations look like with LibKey Nomad installed?

Screenshot of LibKey Nomad buttons in PubMed search results.

PubMed search results - LibKey Nomad


Screenshot of LibKey Nomad buttons in PubMed abstract display.

LibKey Nomad - PubMed

Publisher site with LibKey Nomad installed?

Screenshot of a journal article on a publisher website with a LibKey Nomad Download PDF button.

Journal article screenshot


Predatory Publishing Alerts

When a user with LibKey Nomad installed visits a webpage associated with a journal domain name in Cabells' predatory journal data. Nomad will highlight when the URL a user visits is in this data and show a Problematic Domain warning:


Need Help?

  Contact your Rowan Medical Library

Rowan-Virtua SOM Library

  Call your Rowan Medical Library

Rowan-Virtua SOM Library: 856 566-6800
CMSRU Library: 856 342-2522

Do I still need to authenticate when accessing subscribed content using Libkey?

Rowan users: You will be asked to authenticate with your Rowan NetID prior to accessing any subscribed, or licensed content whether on campus or off. 

Cooper users: When prompted, scroll down and select Rowan University as your affiliation.