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Board Review Collections: Boards & Beyond

Books and Media to aid students studying for exams and boards.

Introduction to Boards & Beyond

Boards & Beyond supports medical students with question banks and an on-demand video library.  Boards & Beyond is used by students in the US and around the world to supplement their classes and prepare for board exams.  Rowan University Libraries has licensed for student use the Step 1-Pre-Clinical part of Boards & Beyond. 

Step 1-Pre-Clinical provides an online virtual curriculum to supplement 1st and 2nd year coursework and builds students’ foundation in all pre-clinical subjects. Step 1-Preclinical includes more than 440 videos and over 2300 USMLE-style questions, as well as progress tracking, custom quizzes & playlists, and slide PDFs. 

Rowan medical students use the link below to log-in to Boards and Beyond and also to create a Boards and Beyond account through Rowan University.

If you encounter problems logging in through the Institutional log-in web page contact McGraw Hill Customer support at

Creating a Boards and Beyond Account

Before being able to utilize Boards & Beyond you will need create an institutional account. 

  • To create the account, click the Boards and Beyond Rowan Log-in link above and use your Rowan NetID to authenticate your Rowan affiliation. 
  • Click the "Create Account" button
  • Enter your Rowan email address
    • You are not required to use your Rowan email address to create the account but it is strongly recommended.
    • If you have a personal subscription to Boards & Beyond that uses your Rowan email address contact the Rowan-Virtua SOM Library for assistance switching your email addresses.
  • Check your email for a message from Boards & Beyond, click the link in the email to verify and to be taken to the registration page.
  • Complete the registration page
    • Boards & Beyond requires a 14 character or more password using a combination letters, numbers, and special characters.
    • Your Boards & Beyond institutional account is not tied to your Rowan NetID username and password and will not change when you change the password of your NetID.  
  • To complete registration you will need to enter an access code.  The access code is sent by email to all 1st year Rowan-Virtua SOM students within the first few weeks of classes that start in July.  Contact the Rowan-Virtua SOM Library if you need the access code. 
  • Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and select “Sign Up.”
  • Once registration is complete go to the Boards and Beyond - Rowan Log-in web page.  Log-in first using your Rowan NetID to verify Rowan affiliation and then click the Sign In "button" and use your Boards & Beyond username and password.  

Help Using Boards & Beyond

You will need to reauthenticate every 90 days using the Institutional Log-in link.

Boards & Beyond Tour

Boards & Beyond Tutorial