This guide provides guidance on bookmarking/favorite links in a browser or creating links to Rowan University Libraries licensed content that can be embedded into courseware, such as Canvas, a document, or a web page. For additional assistance and help, please contact a Rowan-Virtua SOM Librarian.
Rowan University Libraries' Discovery service referred to as Library Search includes an easy way to copy a link to licensed Ebook and Ejournal records. This is the preferred and best method to create a stable, durable URL (web address) to a Rowan University Libraries licensed resource. In some cases you can even link directly to the full text of journal articles, see the FAQ section of this guide.
1. Search for the Ebook or EJournal title in Library Search, or use the Journal Finder to look for only Ejournal titles. Look for the Permalink icon. For assistance using Library Search contact a Rowan-Virtua SOM Librarian either through Chat or AskALibrarian.
Click the Permalink icon, and In the pop-up window click Copy to Clipboard to copy the link to the Library Search record. Paste the link into your online course, document, or web page.
Below is the Library Search record for the Ebook Bate's guide to physical examination and history taking. You will see full-text availability and a link that will take the user to the full-text of the Ebook. Users will be prompted to log-in with their Rowan credentials before being taken to the full-text of the Ebook or Ejournal. .
To add a link to Rowan University Libraries licensed and publicly* available databases and resources start from the Rowan Medical Libraries Medical Resources and Databases page.
Locate the database or resource from the list. Place your mouse pointer over the name and right click and select Copy link address. Paste the address link into your courseware or web page.
* While publicly available databases and resources do not need Rowan authentication in order to use, some, such as PubMed and Google Scholar, have incorporated Rowan University Libraries' holding information into their records. The only way to view the holding information is by accessing the database or resource from links on the Library's website. .
Can I link to the full text of a journal article?
If you have a DOI or PMID you can use Library Search's Citation Search tool to look up the citation and if the article is from a journal the Rowan Libraries have access to you can use the Permalink button to copy and paste a link into Canvas or a web page. Alternatively, you may be able to create a link to the full-text of the article, but it largely depends on the website's architecture and how it interfaces with Rowan authentication. A link might work or might not, or it may not work consistently or long-term.
After logging and viewing the article copy and paste the web address (URL) from the web browser's address bar and paste it into your courseware or web page. Test the link multiple times using multiple browsers to see if it works consistently. There are no guarantees the link will work indefinitely and it should be checked periodically. if the article is from a journal that is not subscribed to or accessible through the Rowan Libraries.
Can I link to a specific chapter of an Ebook?
Yes and No, in some cases you may be able to create a link to a book chapter that can be embedded into courseware or a web page, but it largely depends on the architecture of the Ebook provider’s website and how it interfaces with Rowan authentication. Some provider’s website will allow you to link to a chapter while other may not.
After logging in to the ebook go to the chapter you need and copy and paste the web address (URL) from the web browser's address bar and paste it into your courseware or web page. Test the link multiple times using multiple browsers to see if it works consistently. There are no guarantees the link will work indefinitely and it should be checked periodically.
Can I link directly to the supplemental content of an Ebook or resource, such multimedia or case files?
Just as with linking to Ebook chapters the answer is yes and no, and for the same reasons. It largely depending on how the provider's site is organized and designed.
Linking to licensed content, or any web page or website that requires a user to verify their Rowan affiliation can be complicated. Contact the Rowan-Virtua SOM Library with any questions or concerns about directly linking to content.