AccessMedicineThis link opens in a new windowAccess to more than 75 medical ebooks including Harrison's Online and Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, frequently updated content, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, point of care tools, case files, diagnostic tools, and more. Access to the self-assessment and review questions sections may require creation of a free personal account.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowClinical Key draws from the large collection of clinical resources published by Elsevier covering every medical and surgical specialty. It includes journals, books, practice guidelines, patient education, drug information and MEDLINE citations and abstracts from PubMed, as well as multimedia. Clinical Key replaces MD Consult and First Consult which have been discontinued by Elsevier.
LWW Health Library for Medical Education (Ebooks, Images, Cases and Procedures)This link opens in a new windowThe LWW Health Library for Medical Education provides access to select E-books, images, cases and procedures on many subjects and medical specialties. Also contains an extensive, customizable self-assessment section. Access to the self Assessment sections requires creation of a free personal account with LWW.
STAT!RefThis link opens in a new windowStat!Ref provides access to a select group of clinical textbooks and manuals covering several medical disciplines including nursing. Stat!Ref also provides access to Stedman's Medical Dictionary, MedCalc 3000 and Board Vitals.
BRS Embryology by Ronald W. DudekSucceed on the USMLE, other board exams, and course exams with this updated Sixth Edition of BRS Embryology. Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy-to-scan outline format, this bestselling book includes over 220 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations, as well as exams at the end of each chapter and an end-of-book Comprehensive Examination. Enhanced by outstanding radiographs, sonograms, computed tomography scans, and clinical photographs of various congenital malformations, this proven book covers the facts and concepts tested on the USMLE within the context of human embryologic development. Offered in both print and online formats, the book boosts confidence and provides maximum accessibility and portability for in-class or on-the-go learning. " Maximize study time with the Board Review Series quick scan outline format. Prepare for the board exam with more than 220 USMLE-style questions and answers. Focus your board review PrepUsing the icons that highlight the information key to the USMLE exam. See the connection between human embryologic knowledge and clinical medicine through Clinical Considerations sections. Master key facts and information with illustrations and tables that summarize information for convenient review. Practice for the board examination using the comprehensive end-of-book exam. Enhance your visual understanding with high quality radiographic/ diagnostic and clinical images that clarify key facts and concepts Find key information fast with anytime, anywhere access to the fully searchable text on the free companion website, which also features interactive quizzing.
EmbaseThis link opens in a new windowEmbase is a international biomedical and pharmacological database containing bibliographic records with citations, abstracts and indexing derived from biomedical articles in peer reviewed journals, and is especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research.
MEDLINE (Ovid)This link opens in a new windowOvid MEDLINE ® covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 5,400 journals published world-wide.
PubMedThis link opens in a new windowPubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. WHILE PUBMED IS A PUBICLY AVAILABLE DATABASE YOU ARE BEING PROMPTED TO LOG-IN WITH YOUR ROWAN NETID TO AID IN ACCESSING ROWAN LIBRARIES' LICENSED JOURNAL CONTENT.
ScopusThis link opens in a new windowScopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources. Scope of subjects include: medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, health sciences and more.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowWeb of Science® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1996.