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A one-stop shop for all your scholarly publishing needs.

Think. Check. Submit.

Think. Check. Submit. is a campaign to help researchers identify trusted journals for their research. It is a simple checklist researchers can use to assess the credentials of a journal or publisher.  Access their checklist by clicking here.  

From Think. Check. Submit. on Vimeo.available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license.

Other Important Factors to Consider Before Selecting a Journal

Every journal has its own unique process for accepting, reviewing, and potentially publishing articles in their publication.  Unfortunately, the most prestigious journals also typically have the longest periods of time between submission and publication, some over a year.  Please keep this in mind when selecting what journal you may want to publish in.

Approximate turnaround times for different journals can be looked up at the following free online website:

Image source: Diana Bowler. "How to Write for and Get Published in Scientific Journals - Edanz1905..." SlideShare. Edanz Group, 18 May 2011. Web. 09 Aug. 2017.

Open access (OA) journals in every discipline are making gains in popularity and impact.

A scholarly publishing blog discussing a recent report on the prevalence of open access publishing highlighted two very important statistics:

  1. Twenty-eight percent of the scholarly literature (19 million articles) is now OA, and growing. This percentage rises to 45 percent for recently published literature.
  2. OA articles receive 18 percent more citations than average.

Authors must evaluate OA journals for impact as they would any other journal.  The key point to keep in mind regarding OA journals is that they typically charge a publication fee ranging from $400 to $3000.  OA advocates argue that this is a reasonable price to pay to allow your work to be available to scholars around the world without having to go through a pay wall.

Information reused from Stony Brook University Librarians licensed under Creative Commons Share Alike 4.0