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CSLL - Community Service Learning and Leadership: Year 3

A guide to the longitudinal partnering with AHEC for students to work with the underserved populations and learn leadership skills while conducting a much needed community service.

Year 3 Objectives

Students will participate in a 2 week community based clerkship where they will observe care in a community-based setting.

During this clerkship students will:

  1. Draw upon the curriculum from years 1 and 2 and put those concepts into practice.
  2. Observe a community-based setting.
  3. Analyze the system factors and psychosocial elements that surround the care of the population and the interprofessional healthcare workforce.
  4. Propose implementation or improvement ideas to their community site.

Types of Service

Direct Service - action that happens in the presence of the persons, animals, or places we want to impact; e.g. volunteering

Indirect Service - may not be in the presence of the person or thing you are impacting; e.g. fundraising or collections

Advocacy - when you speak up for or against an issue or solution; when we use our voices we are being advocates

Research - involves finding out new information that informs or demands action; e.g. collecting data or surveying a group

Narrative Medicine

The fundamental tenet of NBM [Narrative Based Medicine] is that meaning is derived from the stories that we tell. Many stories are told in medicine. Patients tell a story about a symptom or concern, its context, how it is affecting them, and why they came to the doctor. This is a story with infinite variations in content, the person telling it, the language used, and how it is told. It reflects the uniqueness of the patient and his or her experience. Doctors also bring their own stories to the consultation. The doctor’s understanding of what is occurring for the patient, the diagnosis that is formulated, and ideas about causation and management form a story in their own right, which has to be communicated to the patient. The way in which this is conducted reflects the doctor’s personality, experiences, and practice.

~ What is narrative-based medicine?

Narrative Medicine Ebooks