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CSLL - Community Service Learning and Leadership: Gender

A guide to the longitudinal partnering with AHEC for students to work with the underserved populations and learn leadership skills while conducting a much needed community service.

Sex & Gender

Sex - a socially constructed medical categorization in which distinctions are made based on specific physical and biological characteristics. 

Gender - socially constructed categorization related to intersections of identity, expression and social expectations and roles

Sexism - system of judgements, beliefs, actions, norms, policies, and practices that privilege the gender binary and place cis men in dominant, privileged position within the binary

Cissexism - sexism that maintains the assumptions of the binary by privileging those who "fit" in the constructed binary and targeting those that don't

Gender Identity - personal knowledge of one's own gender; exists on a spectrum

Gender & Healthcare

Sex & Gender

Gender Affirming Care

Gender affirming care aims to treat dysphoria by helping trans people align their bodies with who they truly are, as best fits their unique sense of self and transition goals.