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EndNote at Rowan University: Syncing and Sharing Libraries

Guide to Using EndNote for students, faculty, and staff at Rowan University

EndNote Online Account

EndNote 21, the newest version of EndNote, ONLY synchs with a new online version of EndNote called EndNote 21 Web.

Users of older version of EndNote can not synch EndNote libraries with EndNote 21 Web and can only synch and share with the older version of EndNote Online Classic.  

For help with the cloud based versions of EndNote contact Kevin Block ( at the Rowan-Virtua SOM Library. 

To synch and share EndNote libraries you must have an EndNote 21 Web account.  Synching an EndNote library is required to share an EndNote library.  It is recommended that all individuals involved in sharing an EndNote library create EndNote 21 Web accounts before accepting invitations to shared EndNote libraries.  


Synching an EndNote Library

Syncing an EndNote library is initiated through the desktop or laptop version of EndNote. 

Only one library can be synced between computer and online versions of EndNote.  Make sure you are synching to the correct library.  Once an EndNote library is synced it is not recommended to attempt to sync to a different library. 

Open the library and go to Library > Sync to set up synching. You can also do it by going to Edit > Preferences > Synch

Synching an EndNote library

Enter the email address and password for your EndNote Online account in the appropriate fields and click Ok to begin initial synchronization.  Depending on how big your EndNote library is the initial synchronization may take several minutes.

Once set up going to Library > Synch will synch the EndNote library.  Your library will also automatically synch when you open or close the library on your computer. 

To review or modify synchronization settings go to Edit > Preferences > Sync 

Sharing an EndNote Library

You can share only a single EndNote library, but you can share that library with up to 200 other people, and an unlimited number of EndNote libraries can be shared with you by others.  

To share an EndNote library first sync the library on your computer with EndNote Online.

In your synced library go to File > Share

Sharing EndNote libraries

Enter the email address of the person(s) you want to invite to the shared library, select the access permissions you want them to have then click the Invite. .
Sharing permissions

The invitee's name will be added to the list at the top of the dialog with a pending status to show they have not yet accepted the invitation. If you want to send a reminder of the invitation, change their permission, or remove them form the list, you can do that at any time. 

The invitee will receive an email inviting them to the shared library.  They must accept the invitation to access the library.  It is recommended the invitees create an EndNote Online account using the email address the invitation was sent to before they accept the invitation.  

When the invitee clicks Accept in the email invitation a verfication web page will open in their browser.  Log-in using their EndNote Online account username and password to verify accepatance of the invitation to the shared library.  

Opening a Shared Library

Once the invitation to a shared library has been accepted and verified to open a shared library select File > Open Shared Library from the desktop/laptop version on EndNote. 

Open a shared EndNote library

You will see a list of all the libraries that have been shared with you. Remember that although you can only share one library with others, an unlimited number of libraries can be shared with you. Select the shared library you want to open and click the Open button.

The first time you open a shared library EndNote will create an empty library and download all the references and groups into the library, including  file attachments, to your computer.

Depending on the size the library it could take some time to download the new library. Subsequently when you open the shared library, EndNote will only need to check for changes since the last time the shared library was opened.

EndNote Help

Guide and videos tutorials from the creators of EndNote, Clarivate Analytics. 

Contact a Rowan Librarian specializing in EndNote

Sharing a Group of References

You can also share groups of references instead of your entire EndNote library.  Highlight and group you want to share and click the Share this Group icon on the upper right of your screen.  The process to share groups is similar to sharing an entire EndNote library. 

Sharing a group of references from within an EndNote library

Activity Feed

The Shared Library Activity Feed is that provides shared llbrary members with information on who is doing what to the shared library,  To access the activity feed.  Click on Sync Status and the bell icon on the upper right.  

Activity Feed