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EndNote at Rowan University: Adding/Exporting References

Guide to Using EndNote for students, faculty, and staff at Rowan University

How to Export References from Select, Major Databases

RIS Export

Look for an RIS Export or Save Option

  • EndNote can import references from many databases and online catalogs. 
  • Don't see an option to export or save to EndNote in a database, look for option to export or save in RIS format.  
  • RIS is a standardized tag format that enables citation programs to exchange data. 
  • Select the references you want to send to EndNote and use the RIS option to export them into Endnote.

EndNote's Search Functionality

Recommend Not Using EndNote's Search Function

  • EndNote has a built-in search function to import references from databases, 
  • However, many databases and resources are licensed, such as CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science and require authentication to use. 
  • Rowan licensed databases use authentication methods that cannot be used with EndNote's search function. 
  • It is not recommended that Rowan users use EndNote's built-in search function with licensed databases.   

Contact your campus Library for assistance searching databases.

EndNote Help

Guide and videos tutorials from the creators of EndNote, Clarivate Analytics. 

Contact a Rowan Librarian specializing in EndNote