Groups are subsets of references. Groups are very useful when you have a large EndNote library or are working on multiple projects and want to better organize your references in your EndNote library.
Use the Groups drop down menu, and select Create Group to create a new group.
Highlight references you wish add to a group.
Either right click or go to Add References To and select the group to copy the selected references to. You can also drop and drag references to a group.
EndNote can search PubMed and Web of Science for updates and corrections to references already in your library. This feature will only work for references that have a DOI, or reliable entries in the author, journal title, and year of publication fields that EndNote can match on.
Select an individual reference or a small group of references to check, and then go to References > Find References Updates.
EndNote will search for any changes and if any are found will display a side by side comparison of the reference in the library and the updated reference it found:
Scroll through and compare the changes and decide if the updates are needed for your reference. In some case the changes may not be needed, such as a change from using an author's full name to using only the initial of the first name. However, in other cases such as the addition of a DOI or a change in the ISSN number then accepting the updates are warranted.
Click the Update All Fields button to accept all changes in the reference, or click Update Empty Fields to update only the empty fields in your existing references with new data, or Skip to ignore the update.
Remember to save any update made to a reference.
Adding references from many different databases can lead to having the same reference 2 or more times in your EndNote library. Fortunately, EndNote has the ability to find and delete duplicate references from a library.
To locate duplicates in an EndNote library make sure you are in the All References group and go to Library > Find Duplicates
References that EndNote thinks are duplicates will be put into a "Duplicate References" group and a new window will appear that allows you to review the duplicates one by one and decide whether to keep both references or delete one. Make sure you are not deleting a reference that is already cited in a document. The older (first entered) reference will always appear in the left column.
By default, references are considered duplicates if they have the same reference type (such as Journal Article or Book), and the Author, Year, and Title fields are identical. The criteria for detecting duplicates can be changed in EndNote's preferences settings. Go to Edit > Preferences.
Select Duplicates from the options on the left and check or uncheck the boxes next to the fields that EndNote will compare to decide whether a duplicate reference exists.
Guide and videos tutorials from the creators of EndNote, Clarivate Analytics.
Contact a Rowan Librarian specializing in EndNote