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Faculty Development - Rowan-Virtua SOM: 3/14/25 (Newsletter)

Resources for clinical and academic faculty

3/14/25 (Newsletter)

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March 2025

CONTENTS (Click to Jump to Section)


As always, I hope you find this publication to be helpful and informative. If you ever have questions or ideas regarding the content of the Faculty Focus Newsletter, please contact me at 856-566-7177 or

Be Safe.

Thank you, Steve


  • Thank you! - 2025 Faculty Development Needs Assessment
    • Thank you all for your input. Your responses will help improve Rowan-Virtua SOM's faculty development program and meet our accreditors' needs. Completions: Paid Faculty - 72/~200; Volunteer Affiliate Faculty - 82. I wanted to provide some preliminary information from the Faculty Development Needs Assessment results and will provide one weekly snippet for the next few weeks.
      • What would be your preferred start time for faculty development sessions? (Please check all that apply)
        • Paid faculty indicated a preference for Business Hours, morning (8:30am-11:00am), Business hours, lunch, and Business Hours, afternoon (1:00pm-5:00pm) as times for programming.
        • Volunteer faculty indicated a preference for Early Morning (7am-8am), Business Hours, lunch (12:00pm), and After business hours (6pm onwards as times for programming.  
  • Fireside Chat and Meet & Greet with Dr. Uche Blackstock
    4/30, 6pm-7pm (Fireside Chat), 7pm-8pm (Meet & Greet/Book Signing)
    • From announcement: "Join the Virtua Health College of Medicine & Life Sciences of Rowan University for an exciting and profound intimate fireside chat and meet and greet with New York Times bestselling author and physician Dr. Uche Blackstock. This insightful and timely session will be moderated by Dr. Millicent Channell, Sr. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services at Rowan-Virtua SOM. Dr. Blackstock will discuss her latest book "Legacy, A Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine" and the historical relevance of racial injustice in modern-day medical practice."
      More information and to register
  • Rowan-Virtua SOM: Faculty Development Series - Dates & Topics (March & April)
    (All on Friday, 7am-8am, Webex)
    • 3/21 - Balancing Teaching & Clinical Duties
      Michele Tartaglia, DO, FACOOG, CS, Assistant Dean of Clinical Education, Rowan-Virtua SOM
    • 4/17 (Thursday) - AI, Generative AI, and Medical Education
      Co-Coordinators of the Rowan-Virtua SOM AI Discussion Group:
      Steve Garwood, EdD, Director of Faculty Development
      James Martin II, PhD, Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology
  • Rowan Research Day
    Wednesday, 3/26/25 (RSVP by RSVP by 3/17)
    Chamberlain Student Center, 201 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028
    • From announcement: "Join the Rowan Community and academic, industry, and government partners to celebrate the University's exceptional research, scholarship, and creative activities. Featured events include: Federal Research Funding Landscape, 10 a.m. and Lunch and Keynote Speaker, Noon (pre-registration required). Keynote Speaker: Chrissy Buteas '04, President & Chief Executive Officer, HealthCare Institute of New Jersey (HINJ), the state’s leading advocate for research-based biopharmaceutical and medical technology companies, will discuss the intersection of policy and research and the importance of advocacy and partnership to advance lasting change.
      Visit for more details and the full program schedule.
      For more information, contact the Office of Research Development at
  • American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) - Educating Leaders Conference
    Registration now Open - 4/9-11, Arlington, Texas
    • From announcement: "Welcome to Educating Leaders 2025, the premier gathering for leaders, educators, staff, and students from osteopathic medical colleges across the United States. This event is your gateway to the future of osteopathic medical education (OME), offering an unparalleled opportunity to dive deep into the latest trends and advancements in the field."
      More information and to register
  • International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
    • Annual Conference 2025: Integrating Generations
      Registration now Open - 6/14-6/17, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
      • From announcement: "At the IAMSE Annual Conference, faculty, staff, and students from around the world who are interested in health science education join together in faculty development and networking opportunities. Sessions on curriculum development, assessment, and simulation are among the common topics available at the conference."
        More information and to register
    • IAMSE Spring 2025 Web Seminar Series: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Basic Sciences in Medical Education
      3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 12pm-1pm via Zoom
      • From announcement: "I set up an Institutional Registration for Rowan-Virtua SOM for the IAMSE Spring 2025 Webcast Seminar Series: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Basic Sciences in Medical Education. If you would like to attend any/all of these sessions, please register with your email address"
        More Information | To register (Please use Registrant ID: 48101664 when completing the form)


Section description: Highlight of instructional strategies that can be incorporated to increase engagement and learning.

If you need assistance with delivering instruction via synchronous or asynchronous approaches, please contact me at 856-566-7177 or  I’ve been working with faculty on the use of Webex for live sessions, Echo360 for recording lectures or short presentations, formulating online discussion questions, etc., and I’m happy to help as I’m able.

Rowan University

Rowan-Virtua SOM Faculty Development



Section description: This section will highlight important news or updates from the Rowan University Libraries or the Hope Brings Strength Health Sciences Library.

With preparations underway for the new 2025/2026 academic year, please remember to update the library on required and recommended books for your courses and blocks.
Email Nicole Morfitt with any updates or questions:

New York Times (All Access)

The Rowan community now has full access to the native web and app versions of the NYT.  This includes all the news sections, as well as the specialized Athletic, Wirecutter, and Cooking sections.

It even includes Games, so you can play all the Wordle and Spelling Bee you’d like.  This should save you money, since you can now cancel any existing individual subscriptions and use this one provided for free by the libraries.

Please note that the steps to take advantage of this will vary depending on whether you are a:

  1. New user
  2. Existing registered user without a subscription OR
  3. Existing registered user with an active subscription

For more details on how to configure your access to the NYT, click here.

Source: Mercedes Byrd, MLIS, PBL Education and Information Services Librarian, Hope Brings Strength Health Sciences Library


Section description: Articles, websites, etc. on the topic of cultural competency, engagement, and other related topics.

Rowan University

Rowan-Virtua SOM

  • Fireside Chat and Meet & Greet with Dr. Uche Blackstock
    4/30, 6pm-7pm (Fireside Chat), 7pm-8pm (Meet & Greet/Book Signing)
    • From announcement: "Join the Virtua Health College of Medicine & Life Sciences of Rowan University for an exciting and profound intimate fireside chat and meet and greet with New York Times bestselling author and physician Dr. Uche Blackstock. This insightful and timely session will be moderated by Dr. Millicent Channell, Sr. Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services at Rowan-Virtua SOM. Dr. Blackstock will discuss her latest book "Legacy, A Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine" and the historical relevance of racial injustice in modern-day medical practice."
      More information and to register
  • Online Modules (each about 20 minutes)
    Developed by the Professional Learning Subcommittee of the Rowan-Virtua SOM Inclusive Excellence, Community, and Belonging Committee
  • Faculty Development



Section description: Articles, websites, etc., on the topic of faculty wellness, engagement, and other related topics

Rowan-Virtua SOM

  • Supporting Students in Distress: TimelyCare for Faculty and Staff
    • From announcement: "TimelyCare has a Faculty and Staff Support line available 24/7 for guidance and support when concerned about a student. Any faculty or staff member can call 833-4-TIMELY to talk to a TimelyCare professional about supporting your students’ well-being."

      Program Flyer (PDF)
      If you have questions about this or other wellness services at Rowan-Virtua SOM, please get in touch with Alexis Scott, in the office of Student Programs & Engagement – 856-566-6795



Section description:  This section will provide information and resources on Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Osteopathic Manipulative Techniques, Osteopathic Philosophy, and Osteopathic Recognition. 

OMT Demonstration Videos

Articles from JOM

Educational Resources & Events


  • Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM)
  • Rowan-Virtua SOM/STBES YouTube
  • Curation and editorial assistance provided by:
    • Alex King, DO, Assistant Professor, Department Of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Rowan-Virtua SOM
    • Danielle Cooley, DO, FACOFP, Professor & Chair of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Rowan-Virtua SOM

JOM Highlights

Section description: This section will highlight one item from the following sections of the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM): Medical Education, Musculoskeletal Medicine and Pain, and Clinical Images. (JOM articles on NMM/OMT can be found in the OMM/OMT/OP/OR section)

Medical Education

Letters to the Editor

SourceJournal of Osteopathic Medicine (JOM; formerly Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA)


Section description: Bibliographic citations to new publications written by faculty members at Rowan-Virtua SOM. For full Faculty Bibliography please see: Rowan-Virtua SOM Health Sciences Library – Faculty Bibliography

Request via Interlibrary Loan

Source: Rowan-Virtua SOM Health Sciences Library – Faculty Bibliography
Publications lists curated by Lisa Price, MSLIS, at Rowan-Virtua SOM Hope Brings Strength Health Sciences Library

UPCOMING EVENTS   (Please note that all events are subject to change)

***Add the Faculty Development Calendar to your Calendar
   Add the Faculty Development calendar to your Outlook or Google Calendar.

Link to Full Calendar

>>Contact Steve Garwood, EdD at 856-566-7177 or